Christians and Secular Music
Should Christians listen to Secular Music? This question is as old as Noah's days, the controversial subject had been on my mind for years, long before I became rooted and grounded in Christ. I never really understood why some Christians found it wrong listening to secular music whilst others didn't. I always thought, music was just music, right? wrong! As I grew more in Christ, I began to understand why I was created and for what purpose. We were created for the glory of God.( Isaiah 43:7 ) To live for and glorify Him in everything that we do and are. But secular music doesn't allow us to do so. Secular Music is defined as non-religious music. Not written for the glory of God or for the church. Secular music does not bring us closer to God in anywhere, in fact, Most secular songs opposes God and His word(the bible) and even blasphemes the Holy Spirit, which is the ONLY unforgivable sin. ( Mark 3:29 ). Anything that doesn't give glory to God, is sin. T...